Mindshare Team
MindShare team understands
and contains what it takes
to build successful
business solutions. The
team has a combined
industry experience
of more than 20 years in
various fields such as,
FMCG, Print Media,
Forestry Products,
Automotive Sector,
Insurance Industry,
Discrete Manufacturing,
and Supply Chain
Optimization. Despite of
such a strong background
in these domains, we
ensure that learning never
ceases at MindShare. The
team strives to keep
abreast of continuous
developments in technology
and SAP domain, so that
our clients always
receive the
solutions. The MindShare
team is committed to
deliver the best results,
exceeding the client's
MindShare team is a
combination of energetic
young professionals, with
innovative approach
towards industry
challenges, and seasoned
mentors, with years of
experience in practical
implementation of diverse
solutions. This blended
team of dedicated
personnel gives MindShare
an edge over other
solutions providers in the